19 August 2012

Carneddau + Yr Elen & Pen yr Helgi DU

Well it was a day of surprises and all of them good and one of those surprises was the weather. Forecast was heavy showers, thunder, lightning and all the good things that come with that but instead we got sunshine, humidity, showery rain, a rumble of thunder, wind and chilly temperatures at the top of Carnedd Llewelyn. A brilliant day of walking, taking in 2 more peaks than we'd planned and rounded off by an unplanned but thoughourly pleasurable descent.

From the car park at the campsite we headed along the road to Glen Dana where the walk would begin in ernest. I remember this initial slog as boggy and not the most attractive walking around but needs must and we must plough up and through it, crossing the river a few times, before reaching the more dry rocky path to the summit.

A quick detour to Cwm Loer and then it was off through the rocks to get us up onto the final path to the summit (after the little false summit that is). Just after the scramble the skies were clear and Snowdon towered in the distance distinct in its pyramid peak shape but by the time we'd reached the summit the cloud was closing in. That was going to be the way of the day, cloud in, cloud out, cloud up, cloud down, cloud all around.....
Carnedd Fach was the first lunch stop and a rumble of thunder could be heard. I jumped up out of the shelter like a meerkat, scanning the skies for any sign of lightning but that was it. 1 or 2 rumbles was all we were going to get today.
Heading over towards Carnedd Dafydd and then onto Carnedd Llewelyn was a rocky affair with the most spectacular views across the valley floor and the cliffs with some staggering sheer drops. It was a landscape I'd walked before but in conditions that were much worse than today so I'd never actually see it in all its glory. Today's visibility was far better than expected and it was great!

Yr Elen was another example of a mountain I'd stood on top of but never actually seen. I'd walked up it, following the path but shrouded in mist and fog so had no idea of its beauty until it stood there in front of us today. There was no question really that we wouldnt go up it as going up it was a doddle, climbing down off Llewelyn and back up Llewelyn again afterwards was energy sapping but it was worth it a hundred times over.
 Back on the summit of Llewelyn thoughts turned to perhaps our last unplanned act of the day. I'd been mentioning and pointing out Pen yr Helgi Du throughout the day from a distance and we'd decided that all being well we'd tackle that too. Its really great to have the freedom to just say, we're here, why not and there be no restrictions on what you can/cant do but before any thoughts of Pen yr Helgi Du there was the downward scramble off Llewelyn onto the link ridge to contend with first. 
Having done this so many times before I really find it a joy, finding footfalls and working your way mentally and physically through the rock although today it was a bit trickier as the rocks were damp/wet and a tad slippier than expected.
Finally at the bottom Pen yr Helgi Du faced us, impressive as ever and again there was no question that we'd continue forwards instead of heading down the zig zag path as I'd done so many times previously. So onwards and upwards and what a delight it was. Quite steep in places with a nice gully scramble before the summit and seeing view's I'd never seen before.

The summit was a little underwhelming with a small pile of stones with an upright stone in the middle but as unassuming as it was it stood impressively marking the spot and had a certain quaint charm about its character. The views to the North were as impressive as the ones seen from the Carneddau and the views back over the Carnedds was just breathtaking.

 The descent over the spine of Pen yr Helgi Du was again a different route and unlike the waterboard road provided softness underfoot instead of hard tarmac. The relentlessness of the descent was still arduous and long and the farm where the car was parked never seemed to get any closer.
 The sun was now dipping over to the East and Tryfan again looked spendant sitting there in the valley. No helicopter today which can only be a good thing and before long we'd met with the waterboard road after following a Leat for a few hundred yards and the day was coming to a close.
What a brilliant walk. The weather threw everything at us apart from hail and it only made the day more exciting. Thanks Ogwen Valley, you never fail to enchant me.

15 August 2012

A jolly good Fell-ow !

Location - Longridge Fell - somewhere north!
Time - 4hrs ish with lunch & pub stop
Distance - 8 miles ish
Conditions - Cloudy, some sun, breezy, very quick shower.

For a Sunday bimble this wasnt half bad. A nice meander up Longridge Fell with 8 miles of varying countryside to keep me entertained. Brill stuff!  The set of pictures I took didn't quite turn out as I'd hoped so I had a play with a few and still its a nice record of a lovely day.

About to set off from the car park

First part of the walk through a gloomy forested area.  Nicely starting to climb towards the top.

At the beginning of the heather carpet that sweeps over the summit of the fell and aparently Longridge Fell boasts the highest treeline in the UK with trees almost all the way to the summit.

Unfortunately the views over the surrounding landscape was a bit obscured.  Even waiting 15 mins or so didnt provide better results so onwards and upwards.

It was remarkable how green the pastures were and very pleasant to sit and take in the sights on offer today even though seeing further than the valley below was all that was going to be presented, shame!

The trig, prominent in its stature and very worthy of its place at the top of an interesting and pretty fell.

Probably my best picture of the day and as I've posted before, I don't do pictures of beasties and I don't do pictures of flowers so this was indeed a fluke but nice all the same.

Lunch stop on the way back down was an impressive view of Pendle Hill although most views of this baby are impressive.  Its still one of my fav local hills.

Treeeemendous part 2.

Back on low ground the last part of the walk took in the impressive Stonyhurst College and it truely was a magnificent building.  Gorgeous architecture.

The final part of the walk, down along the river.
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05 August 2012

Pen y Ghent - Again!

Location - Yorkshire Dales
Height - Pen y Ghent 2278ft
Time - 3 hrs on the dot!
Distance - 6.5 miles
Conditions - Sun, warm, breeze, perfect!

Well it was one of those days where a piddley little hill just wouldnt do and with time short, there wasnt the option of Snowdonia so off I set in the direction of Yorkshire with only 1 hill on my mind - Pen y Ghent. I did this earlier in the year and have since been up Ingleborough and Whernside a few times so today was Pen y Ghents turn as long as I didnt get distracted by the wonderful Ingleborough on the way (which knowing me was very likely!)

I arrived in Horton in Ribblesdale just after 10am with my change all ready for the parking meter in the car park only to find the car park closed which meant a wee drive around the village looking for a spot. I found one on a verge, near some cottages and couldnt see a sign that said private so I parked up and set off out on the path. It did cross my mind a few times throughout the day that I may find my car clamped or a big horrid sticker on it when I returned but hoped not.

So on we go:

My first proper view of her as I head up the path.  The billowing clouds signifying that there could be a change in the weather today as thunder was forecast as were a few showers, fingers crossed it stays dry.

One of the things I love about walking (upwards) is the spectacular views it provides and as ordered today's views are nothing short of spectacular.  The skies do provide a certain extra drama to any picture and its one of the things I love that as you climb the views change and unfold before your eyes.  Love it! 

So its onwards and upwards as my mother used to say (she probably still does to be honest!) Legs starting to feel heavy as they've not yet realised what they're required to do today but I know that feeling will pass.  C'mon mountain legs, I know you're in there somewhere!

Over to the East the skies are changing with more darker clouds making an appearance.  Nice to have a bit of drama in a picture however I'm only 1/3 of the way up this baby and do not fancy a soaking however a bit of thunder and lightning might be something special (if I can find some sheltered spot to view from).  How exciting would that be eeeeeeeeeeek!

I love paths, this must tie into some strange subconscious OCD that I have as I love their order, their symmatry and their purpose.  Any path that leads you to a great big lump of gorgeous rock is ok in my book!

The side view of Pen y Ghent and not its most attractive view (to me personally) but certainly shows its rocky and cragginess........Geography teachers would be drooling over this pic probably :D

 Nearly at the top and one of my fav views from Pen y Ghent.  As far as the eye can see with a bit of drama in the sky to add extra effect.  I really have been lucky with the weather so far today and as I mention this to some walkers making the last push for the top they now say I've jinxed the weather and scowl at me......oh well lol!

Finally at the top and sat down to have some lunch and have just a moment or two to reflect on previous visits here and to just bask in that sense of euphoria that greets you when you reach a summit.  A mix of pride and happiness and most of all peace.  Peace is what I felt as I sat there looking at all around me and thought how bloomin lucky I was to be able to do this, enjoy this, experience this!


This is the first sign that the weather is closing in and there is now a bite to the air.  Its been t shirt weather the whole way up but I suspect my fleece or indeed my coat may be on before long.  Time to get up and get moving.

But not before the obligatory trig shot! 

Nearly down and the weather is still being kind and no rain has emerged.  Its noticably cooler but I've only needed the addition of a light fleece.  I didnt take the detour to Hull Pot today as when you've seen it once, you've seen it and I found out there was no water rushing down it so passed it by. 

One of the things I've noticed on my "summer" walking trips is that thistles are all over the place.  Being a wee Scottish lassie it always puts a smile on my face to see them.  Beautiful wee purple flowers.............oh flower of Scotland, when will we see, yer likes again.......all together now! 


And before I know it, I'm back at the car, which thankfully has not been clamped or towed away however as soon as I reach for the drivers door I see a rather large sign that says " No Parking, this is for the cottages only "....oops so my excuse of not seeing a sign wouldnt have worked, yikes, quick getaway but not before one last look at this little beauty.

The weather was perfect today.  No rain, a nice breeze and a bit of sun to pop a bit of colour on my face.  Thank you Pen y Ghent, as always you never fail to delight and surprise me.
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17 July 2012

Yr Elen, to be or not to be......

Location - Snowdonia National Park
Height - Carnedd LLewelyn (3491 ft), Yr Elen (3156ft)
Time - 6 hrs  approx
Distance - Approx 9 miles
Conditions - Rain, wind, mist, cold !
Walking with - DK  

Finally after 2 previous attempts, Yr Elen was bagged last Saturday. 

Attempt 1, back in April proved difficult as the summit of C Llewelyn was covered in snow and you couldn't even see your hand in front of your face far less any mountain in front of you to climb.......Attempt 1 aborted!

Attempt 2, End June when the weather was supposed to be kinder found us again half way up C Llewelyn with the sinking feeling that the driving rain, low cloud and high winds meant that attempt 2 was going to prove just as disappointing as the previous time and true enough by the time we're reaching the summit of C Llewelyn the winds and driving rain/hail made it tricky to even stand up, breath, speak, walk far less attempt another summit which we couldn't see anyway.  Quick exit!

Attempt 3, Saturday 14th July.  Again up the waterboard road, over to the zig zag path up to the impass between C Llewelyn and pen y helgi du it wasn't looking brilliant with the path ahead obscured by cloud and mist.

At the top of the Waterboard road, ready to tackle the zig zag path.
Here comes the mist/cloud and misery!
Approaching the summit of Llewelyn and true to form its obscured!
The little penguin shrouded in mist yet again....surprise surprise!
Yr Elen's out there somewhere!
A path, a path my kingdom for a path, thank you clouds!
Today we're not climbing for the spectacular views!
Almost at the summit, it just couldn't get any more bleak!
Bleaker still, so yes it can!
Eerie looking down into the gullies!
Not the best summit pic I've ever taken......glad to be there though!
360 degree views - uh huh!
Back down through the clouds to the views we're so used to seeing now!

Finally our wee ghostie mountain that I was convinced didn't exist was bagged.......so I've still technically never seen Elen but stood on her summit........that'll do for me!

Yr Elen does exist - who knew!