15 April 2013

Scree if you want to go faster.......

After a txt message on Friday saying - Tomorrow Great Gable, let the excitement build!!! - I was already anticipating what a great walk today;s walk would be.  Base Brown followed by Green Gable then Great Gable then if there was time, over to Kirk Fell.

A very early start, up at 4am (after only getting to bed between 1 & 2am) and out by 5, remembering this time to have something substantial to eat so energy levels were high.  So after some toast and coffee we were in the car and heading North.  The weather forecast for today was for bright and sunny spells in the morning turning to rain and wind later in the day.   So fingers crossed the bulk of the day would be good for us.

We parked at the farm at Seathwaite and could see our route clearly up the side of the mountain via Sour milk gyhll and immediately we had to contend with the steepness of the hillside.  The waterfalls on the way up were a welcome distraction and gave us plenty opportunities to stop and snap.  It was really a lovely walk upwards.

At the top of the first leg there was a plateau area which we thought would be good for a quick snack stop and I went into my bag to find the bananas.  Oh dear, the bananas were still sitting on the table at home and not in my bag at all.  Good job Chris had packed the Caramel Wafers but it would still leave us short on snacks for the day, oops!  

 The next section up to the summit of Base Brown would take us up and past the hanging rock.  The whole way up the side of the hill with its delicious little scrambly bits I was looking at what I thought was the hanging rock.  It wasnt until I was practically underneath it I realised I had been looking at a completely different rock when the hanging rock is really hard to miss.  D'oh moment of the day.  

After navigating our way through a tricky bit of scrambling we were on the top and the weather was still being kind to us however there were some dark clouds on the horizon and the threat of a spot of rain was not far away.  The views gave us clouds swirling in and out, obscuring and revealing views min by min.  It was a beautiful place to be.

Down off Base Brown it was an easy walk over a plateau and then up the side of Green Gable.  We passed 2 chaps here who had come up the side snow field which I thought in today's avalanche potential conditions probably wasnt the best way to come up the mountain.  Everyone has different levels of what they consider risk I guess.

The cloud was now firmly moving in and around us and views both front and behind were a white out but there was strength in the sun and I was sure it would burn off again and it did.  By the time we'd almost got to the top of Green Gable the cloud lifted again and we got spectacular views over to Pillar and Haystacks and then a bit further to Grasmoor and Melbreak that we'd tackled on previous walks.  So we spent a moment or 2 taking a few pictures of the ever changing scenery.
The last push up Green Gable and the wind was starting to pick up.  At the summit we got the first proper sight of the beautiful Great Gable and what a magnificent sight that was.  A great big lump of beautiful rock that held me transfixed.  She was rocky and solid and I knew that getting to her summit would be a great walk but first we had to get off Green Gable and that was via Windy Gap which held true to its name.  Windy Gap was indeed a bit breezy but the upside was that it was blowing a lot of the cloud away and we were treated to some brilliant views of Bowfell, Esk Pike and the Scafell Range all of which were still fairly covered in snow.

Tummies were rumbling so half way up Great Gable we found a nice little sheltered spot and got out the sandwiches.  Home made bread from an interesting recipe with cheese spread and 3 peanut m & m's each for dessert since we had to ration the remainder of the snacks as someone forgot the bananas hmmmmm!

Onwards and upwards for the last stretch towards the summit of GG.  The views were indescribable and there were really no words to capture the sights that met our eyes.  The clouds had practically dissapeared and left us in awe of all the beautiful peaks that surrounded us.  GG is a bit like grand central station and people were appearing from all angles.  It was busy on top with groups of people arriving and departing, stopping for lunch and just generally milling around.  We didnt stick around long but headed North to descend with the intention of Kirk Fell which stood right in front of us.

The descent off GG was a great deal trickier than anticipated which meant the camera was packed away.  A path obscured by snow which was soft and resembled the innards of a beanbag making it very slippy and soft underfoot.  Match this with some very steep parts and you have a recipe for the potential of something going horribly wrong.  Luckily we were able to hone in on our winter skills training (thank you Scot and SD Adventures) and moved slowly down the hill backwards using ice axes and kicking, keeping us safe and getting us down that particular section without incident.  After the horrid soft snow we were on shale and this is my least favorite of walking surfaces.  Its loose and with each step the ground moves away with you.  The potential for slipping is great and after one slip I was left with a very sore pinky finger after jamming it against a rock.  Ouchie ouch ouch!  I detest Scree, it really isn't a pleasant ground covering at all.......!!!!
Half way down we decided that Kirk Fell was not for us today.  It was already afternoon and we'd been going since early this morning so we decided to follow the path that contoured the hill and took us back round the valley that would take us back to Seathwaite.  What we didnt anticipate was that the path would play hide and seek with us and that we'd miss it completely taking us too far down the mountain, on the horrid shale, to go back and find it which meant we'd still have another incline in our day later on when we'd have to climb our way back up and out the valley.  It was an unexpected and annoying detour to our day as the weather was starting to change and the wind had increased in strength.  
Spirits subdued a little but still with smiles on our faces through the rain and the increasing wind we moved forward over rocks until we finally met with the lower path that would get us back to where we needed to be.  We passed several people on the path, some of whom we'd met earlier in the day and quite a few with children (x box sales must be dwindling lol). Thoughts now turned to second lunch and we said we'd stop when we got to the crossroads at Styhead where several paths met.  The last of our sandwiches consumed and the last of the water drunk we knew now that we only had a few miles to go before we were back at the car.

The last surprise of the day came in the form of a proposition.  To take the safe and boring path back down the hillside to the farm or to have another little adventure and take the more scenic waterfall path via Taylor Force Ghyll  which would involve another bit of scrambling and some very impressive views of a fantastic waterfall.  We chose the adventure and even though our limbs ached and bodies were weary it was a good choice as the waterfall was indeed spectactuar and the little scramble down was really good.

On the last stretch now and we can just about see the car back at the farm.  Down onto the valley floor we followed the river that we'd crossed that morning before our hike up the hill.  The last hurdle was a stile to get us over the last wall and thankfully some very kind farmer of bygone times had made a lovely little sheep hole in the wall for his sheep to get through.  I opted for the sheep hole as there was no way I had the energy to haul myself over a stile.  I was running on empty and although exhilarated by the day exhaustion was creeping in.  Wet, tired, hungry and thirsty the car was a welcome sight.  Fresh water and a towel and we headed for Keswick for some well deserved fish and chips.

It was indeed a day of contrast.  A morning filled with blue skies and anticipation and an afternoon filled with rain, wind and a lot of hard work.  A thrilling day all round and a fantastic walk filled with ups, downs, laughs, scary moments, funny moments, tense moments and lighthearted moments, eye spy and lots and lots of fun :-), roll on the next adventures. 

07 April 2013

2 Crags, a fox, a buzzard and a wandering pike!

6am start took us on our now very familiar route northwards towards the lakes.  Our destination today was 2 crags, from the farm at Sadgill.  Getting there early is always a good idea especially today as there isn't much room for parking and we were the first car there, so after positioning ourselves so we could get out easy enough at the end of our walk we set off along the track.

The weather forecast was for a dry clear day with intermittent sunshine but the morning cloud still hung over the surrounding hills like a veil.  It wasn't long though before we started to see the tops appear and what looked like blue sky finally beginning to appear.

The track took us along the side of a river where we could hear some falls so we hopped over the stile onto the path by the river to follow that for a while.  True enough there were several little waterfalls dotted up the hillside and we followed that route for a while stopping every now and again to take some pictures.  We crossed the river at one point but the stones were really slippy and one false move could have meant a very wet walk indeed.  No panic though we successfully managed to cross twice without incident, phew!
After an unscheduled hop back over onto the track we followed that for a little bit more and were blessed with the sunshine when the path split into 3.  Left over to mardale point, straight ahead to some other destination and left to take us up the hill into the sun.  There was more snow here and it was quite hard packed.  Staying away from the grassy areas (as they meant your footfall went quite deep) it was fairly easy to manage up the incline.  As it got a bit steeper we were able to practice some ice cutting techniques as I am particularly rubbish at this but all practice is good huh?  Its amazing how natural having an iceaxe in your hand has become.  The way you hold it, the way you use it and the way you're prepared to use it should a slip occur.  Thankfully today it was just a protective device and didnt need to be put into action.

We headed up to the summit of Tarn Crag via and over a fence which was partially submerged in the snow.  The grassy areas were wet and boggy and this would be a nightmare of a walk in the summertime or indeed any time when there had been rain as most of it did seem quite boggy.  Apart from an earlier small submergment into the bog all was good.

With the summit in view thoughts turned to first lunch even though it was only 10.10 it was time for some nourishment.  Peanut butter sandwiches seem to be our sandwich of choice these days and they really hit the spot.  The surrounding peaks had cleared by this point and we could clearly see over to Kidsey Pike and the High Street range that had been our walk the previous weekend.

As well as the summit cairn Tarn Crag also boasts another man made feature near to the summit is the remains of a surveying pillar. This unusual stone and concrete construction is cleft at the top to provide a sight line and was originally surrounded by a wooden frame, now decayed. This is one of four such pillars built during the construction of the Haweswater aqueduct. Below Branstree and Tarn Crag is the first section of the pipeline carrying water from the reservoir toward Manchester. The tunnel, some 1,300 ft below the summit, required 250 tons of gelignite for blasting, and when constructed in the 1930s was the longest such pipeline in Britain. It emerges into Longsleddale below Great Howe, where the spoil can still be seen.

We didn't stay for long and headed for the next summit Grey Crag which was over in a North West direction.  More plodding through the icey and sometimes grassy snow I had a little off piste moment but was heading for the fence that ran almost all the way to the summit.

Grey Crag provided a spot for second lunch or the second half of the sandwich and also a very funny moment deciding which hill was to the left with a little cairn on it.  I think you'll find that was probably Harrop Pike and after looking at the map that seemed to be what it was........wasn't it lol?  The views were, as always, spectacular and the sun shone down and with very little wind it was really quite pleasant.

Time to find the route down and as always it was a bit of a traverse through grass and today, snow.  We headed over to another one of the stone structures which was part of the surveying pillars and stood directly inline with the one we'd seen at Tarn Crag.
Further downwards we  saw the first people of the day, heading up another path, on their own route but the best sighting at this point was a little fox darting over the snow, its bushy tail flying behind it and it made excellent speed over the flanks of the hill and was soon out of sight.  A lovely moment none the less and it was nice to see something other than rabbits or crows whilst out on the hills.  At this point I will mention that today we saw an abundance of Sky Larks, singing away while they were flying, not starlings but sky larks and those little flighty birds were really quite lovely.

Our route was now very much down, down and more down and before long we could see the car.  A short walk today as it was just after midday and part of me felt like I'd only done half the work that we usually did.  My legs were tired, my knees felt the descent as they normally do but it did seem incredibly early to be ending our walk.  Later in the day our bodies would be glad that we did as although it was a short walk it was a tiring one.  Snow has a habit of doing that to your legs, sapping every bit of energy out of them but every part of it is brilliant and I wouldnt swap walking up hills for any other form of excercise.  How could running round a track or on a treadmill compare to this???
Finally back at the car and whilst changing shoes I noticed a bird flying just off to the South.  It was flying like a bird of prey and Chris quickly summised it was a buzzard.  Sure enough there it was floating in the thermal air getting progressively higher and higher until it was at an altitude that would take it right over our heads and off over the mountains.   A beautiful sight of a wonderfully magestic bird.  Just a pity my camera didnt do it justice but lovely to watch.
Heading home, in the sunshine, having had a great walk, thoughts turned to the fact that this may indeed be our last winter walk of the season.  If the temperatures rise and the rains come then our winter boots, ice axes and crampons would be put away till next year.  We've had some superb winter walks.  The Helvellyn range, Scotland, High Street to mention just a few.  Roll on next winter where ice axe arrests, cutting steps and crampons would be the order of the day again.  I am looking forward to our Summer walks where I'll be swapping my crampons for sunscreen..........bring it on !

01 April 2013

Hello High Street....goodbye cream egg!

After a few weeks of "bad weather stopping play" it was an exciting prospect that today we'd actually get our boots on and head out to the hills.  The forecast was for dry and clear weather and although there was still a fair amount of snow on the Lakeland fells and conditions meant that warnings were frequent regarding difficult walking and sub zero temperatures but we were layered up, ice axes and crampons were packed as was our lunch, plenty water and snacks.

What I hadn't packed was my camera and I was gutted as today would have been the most excellent day for outstanding pictures so unfortunately we have no pics to share.

Up at 4am and out the door by 5 we still didn't beat the sunrise and the closer we got to our destination the more beautiful the sky became.  Pink hues ribboned the sky ahead of us and a vibrant orange skirted the dotted clouds behind us as the sun started its ascent into the day.

We arrived at the car park and there was only 1 other car there.  2 chaps with ropes and clinky metal bits meant their day was probably going to be a tad more strenuous than ours.  Within minutes we were all ready to go and we set off along the path that would take us round to the unnaturally forested peninsula of where the village of Mardale once stood before it was flooded over 100 yrs ago to provide water for the industrial towns in the area.  It must have been a sad time for the villagers to be uprooted and see their homeland flooded to make way for industry.

The path upwards took us up quite steeply at first towards our first little peak of the day, Rough Crag.  The ground underfoot was frozen and walking was not difficult but hard going in the drifty bits of the snow.  The path followed a small wall as it snaked its way upwards.   We could see the summit of High Street ahead and had several more ups and downs to complete before we made it there and already it had a low blanket of cloud sitting atop which we hoped would clear by the time of our arrival.

It was a beautiful walk, the surrounding peaks covered in layers of snow and the sun hitting different bits highlighting gulleys and ridges and the valleys in between.  As I'd not been out for a good few weeks my legs took their time to adjust to the terrain and there was a little bit of huffing and puffing but nothing too bad and apart from a runny nose I was feeling great.

Rough Crag was the first "tickable" summit of the day and although not a Wainwright it was a Hewitt so definately counted as something significant.  The route at this point was fairly easy going with some ups and downs but nothing too strenuous.  We just followed the contours of the mountain until we could see clearly in front of us the spine of High Street that would lead us up to the summit.  There was no one around, not a single soul and I love the sound of the silence on the hills, golden silence!

Continuing upwards the sky was darkening and the blue bits diminished as fine little pieces of snow started to fall.  I was amazed by the snow as it was tiny little ice crystals no bigger than a pin head but perfectly formed as snowflakes, the kind of forms we learn as children and quite beautiful...dare I say it, almost angelic lol.  All around us the views were decreasing and before long the weather had moved in and we were shrouded in mist and cloud.  Sunglasses that were needed earlier were packed away and hats and gloves back on as the lack of sunshine, however weak it was, now meant that the chill was biting.  Ice axes were now out and crampons firmly attached to our boots, we kept moving forwards and spirits were high.  It was hard work but left you with a feeling of , yes, this is where I'm meant to be.  All cares in the world diminish when you're on the side of a mountain, plotting your route, following a path.  It truely is one of the best feelings in the world.

By the time we'd completed the last push up to the summit plateau of High Street it was a complete white out.  Our route map told us that by continuing a little bit forward and to the left we'd find the trig point and off I went to find it, constantly searching with my eyes to see if I could see it.....and then there it was, standing proudly in the cloud just waiting there for us.  The wall that lead up to it was peppered with snow patterns made by the wind and it was an eerie but magical sight.

On top the wind wasn't too bad and we stopped for a moment by the trig point to grab some food.  Gorgeous Italian bread with peanut butter which provided much needed energy for the second part of our day and a cadbury's cream egg.  Here is a stark warning for chocolate lovers.  When you're holding your cream egg, gingerly in your gloves, enjoying every succulent bite and someone says.......oh look over there, pointing behind you, do not look, its a trap, a trap to steal your delicious egg and that, my friends, is what nearly happened to me.  A valuable lesson learned!

The next part of our journey would take us to The Knott and as we moved over the High Street plateau the cloud started to life and gave us views to take your breath away.  Suddenly we could see over to the surrounding peaks, North to Blencathra, West to the Helvellyn range, it all just opened up magically to provide a winter wonderland of eye popping scenery.

After seeing practically no one on our walk so far there were suddenly people around.  Fell runners skipping over the landscape wearing and packing hardly any gear, skiers with dogs and other walkers enjoying the day.

After a quick stop at The Knott it was down and then back up a fairly steep incline to Rampsgill Head.  By this time the ground was beginning to break up a little and the hard frost of the morning was weakening slightly which meant the hard crust no longer supported your body weight and with every step the top crust broke and it was probably the hardest section of the day.  Back jarring, ankle turning horrid terrain but we plodded on trying to pick out the more solid bits to walk on.

Rampsgill Head was a "blink and you miss it" kind of summit, it has no remarkable features and could quite easily be missed if you weren't directly on the path.  Luckily we didn't miss it and from there it was a relatively easy meander across to Kidsey Pike, the last summit of the day.  My legs were starting to feel it now and tiredness was beginning to creep in after our early morning start but everything around, the views, the scenery were a great distraction. 

The descent, like all descents was an interesting one.  Practically straight down, through snow, rocks, ice, cowboy style.  In the valley below we could see clusters of deer casually grazing and high above us dots of people on a path.  Was that our path?  Possibly but sometimes a detour brings unexpected results and looking back to where we'd been really gave us a sense of achievement and just letting my eye wander round the route we'd taken that day gave me a great sense of satisfaction.

The final part of our walk would lead us out of the valley back to the mound of trees at the end of the peninsula where we'd started our walk but our day was not without incident as just before we got down to a little bridge that would take us across the river on the valley floor I got bogged.  My leg just disappeared down a bog and I was covered in slutch right up past my knee.  Thank goodness for waterproof boots and gaiters.  Yuk!

Before long we were back at the car.  An epic day, an epic walk and it has only re-ignited my appetite for more.  Too many weeks grounded because of the weather and fingers crossed going into Spring it will only get better from here on in.  I'm ready for our next adventure............

18 February 2013

And then there were 50......

It was only 6 months or so ago when I stepped on my first Wainwright, August Bank Holiday 2012 and the hill that day was Pike O Blisco or the Bisto Kid as I've renamed it.  Today I'd step on my 50th and the target was Rossett Pike but not before a bit of winter wandering up and over Bowfell.

The sun was shining and bags were packed early doors.  The alarm had gone off at 5am for a 6am departure in the slim hope we'd make it up there before the sun rose but as we headed up the M6 the orangy glow was already apparent to the right of us and we knew it would be daylight when we finally got parked.  Not to worry, there'd be plenty summer weekends when we could camp and be right in place for the morning glory of the sunrise.

We headed for Langdale and as we approached the layby where we'd park the sun was just coming over the peaks behind and illuminating the Crinkles beautifully.  The sky and early mist was clearing and it looked like we were in for a beautiful day.

The first part of the walk would take us up the Band from Langdale up onto Bowfell via the Climbers Traverse and hopefully up the slab which was going to be an interesting challenge and put our newly learned winter skills to test.  Ice axes and crampons packed we were all ready for the challenge that lay ahead and looking forward to it.

On the lower slopes we were met by a man coming down who'd lost his little dog the day previously.  Dennis had been out all night (Dennis was the dogs name by the way) and the man had been up and around Bowfell 5 times so far since the previous night.  We said we'd keep an eye our for him but at no point on our walk did we see any sign of poor wee Dennis.  I hope he made it back to his owners safely.

The higher we walked the more snow we found underfoot and the next challenge was finding the path that veered off the Band and took us over the traverse to the bottom of the slab.  This proved more difficult than it looked as under snow there was no real indication of the path and the higher we got the more we realised that the traverse wasnt going to be an option today so we made our way up a steep and icy patch to take us over to the main path that came over from the Crinkles.  Tough going and it was time to get the ice axes out and crampons on to help with the last bit.

Once up onto the path we walked back down a bit to to the top of the slab with the intentions of perhaps going down it and then back up but large cracks in the snow pack didn't make it an appealing venture at all.  Infact I was dead against going anywhere near it.  So we decided against it and carried on up to the summit of Bowfell.

I was excited to get to the summit as I knew that once there we'd be able to see over to the Scafell range and having photographed that before from Bowfell and knew it would be an awe inspiring sight especially if there was some snow on there and it didnt dissapoint.  Beautiful folds of rock moulded into mountains sprinkled with just enough white stuff to give it a moody and brooding look.  Brill stuff!!!

Down off Bowfell we headed towards Esk Pike but veered right on the path that would take us over to Rossett Pike.  Just down from the valley between the 2 peaks there was evidence of an avalanche.  Even in the Lakes there is a risk of the snow giving way to conditions.

Crampons off and packed away now as the snow was really soft and as we made our way up to Rossett Pike the views around us were spectacular.  We could see quite clearly now the slab of Bowfell from below and I'm glad now we made the decision not to tackle it today.

Rossett Pike was my 50th Wainwright and it was an adequate hill for such an accolade.  Nestled inbetween some great peaks it was unassuming, craggy and a pleasant walk.  Picture taking moments done with it the challenge now was to find the route off.  There were no footprints to follow but we knew the direction we were headed and there was no risk of falling off the edge of anything so we plodded through the rocks.

We found the downward path and had a bit of fun finding shortcuts and thoughts quickly turned to second lunch.  Down below there was a river so we decided to find a waterfront spot to enjoy the last of our food in the sun.

Joining the Cumbrian Way would take us on the last stretch through the valley back to the car and it was a great time to contemplate a fantastic day.  The sun was going down and the Crinkles were once again illuminated albeit this time from behind.

Beautiful Bowfell, Beautiful Walk, Beautiful Weather..........

11 February 2013

Buachaille Etive Beag - Stob Dubh

3rd munro of the week and the one we should have captured last Sunday when the wind was fierce, so today we'd tackle it and get that particular box ticked!

The weather wasn't brilliant.  Dry but low misty cloud meant we couldn't see the summit nor could we really see the path but we'd been up here before so knew where we were going.  It was remarkable the amount of snow that had disappeared in the week as the path was certainly more visible than it had been before.  Before long we were on the steep steps that would take us up to the plateau area where we'd had our windy lunch previously.

At the plateau area we stopped for a snack but could see neither summit right or left this time and remembered the strong winds of last week that hampered our walk.  No such winds this week but a dense mist that obscured any views that we may be party to.  The big Buachaille should have been right in front of us as we ate but it was just a white wall of mist........no likey!
We headed left up the path that would take us to the summit of Stob Dubh and I was quite excited at the prospect of a ridge before the summit.  I love ridges and any walks that include these make me giddy as a kipper.  Winter walking on ridges is a bit different as they usually mean ice and no recognised path so extra care had to be taken but just that visual of a sharp pointy ridge leaves me elated.

After a steep climb up the first part of the route to the top we could see a faint outline of the summit and ridge in the distance.  The cloud kept swirling in and out so that it was only visible for a moment or two at a time but onwards we went and soon enough we were over the ridge and heading to what we thought was the summit.  Was it the summit?  It had a cairn and seemed to be the highest point but then the cloud lifted and another pointy bit appeared ahead.  I didn't think this bit was as high but we ventured over there just in case it was the true summit.  God forbid we'd made it all the way up there and not actually stood on the summit.  Either way we had it covered.

A quick picnic stop at the top and we headed downwards again.  This was a bit tricky as it was a wee bitty icy and care had to be taken but I have to say at this point this was indeed my most favorite walk of the week.  3 munros and this being the 3rd really was 3rd time lucky.  I loved it, the walk, the ridge, the conditions with the only thing spoiling it was the lack of views.  Nothing but white on all sides.

It wasn't long before we were back at the plateau and thoughts turned to venturing back up the other peak, Stob Coire Raineach that we'd tackled the previous Sunday in the wind.  I didn't feel I had the energy for another peak today so instead we headed down from the plateau to the stepped rocky path but not before having a slide down a nice steep snowy section which was a lot of fun.
The steep rocky path downwards was hard going as per usual with the steps down being big steps for me but we kept a steady pace and even ran a little bit on the flattish sections.  Before long we were back at the car and this signified not only the end of our day's walk but the end of our week in Glencoe.  A week filled with triumphs and torture, laughter and silliness, good company and winter skills training, 3 munros and an ache to return as soon as possible.

What an amazing week and one I hope to repeat sometime soon!

Meall a' Bhuiridh a nightime caper in the darkness!

My second munro of the week and if I thought the first had its challenges then I was in for a treat as this one proved to push my limits to the point of no return.

The day started with a winter skills session on the hills below in and around the Glencoe Ski area and as the light started to fall we packed our stuff and headed up the steep and icy slope of the mountain.  It was around 4pm and darkness wasn't far away and we still had a few hours of walking to reach the summit.  I was tired, my legs were like jelly and the ice underfoot made me question every step but onwards and upwards we went.  The fading light on the surrounding mountains was spectacular and the first part of the walk up was spent looking backwards at the setting sun.

I can only say it was tough going.  Looking upwards into the prevailing darkness I could see the outline of what appeared to be a summit but knew that it was the first of a couple of false summits and in my heart of hearts I simply couldn't imagine how I was going to make it.  The rocks in the landscape were becoming few and far between and that meant traversing across and up the ice which with every footstep brought fear.  Even trying to use the skills we'd learned, kicking in footsteps and cutting the ice proved fruitless for me so I concentrated on following in Chris's footsteps but he was much further ahead than I was and in the darkness I just couldn't see.  Having my glasses would have helped but as per usual they were back in the car, so there I was, faltering about in the dark, on ice, trying to keep moving forward.

It was inevitable that I'd slip and slip I did.  Luckily I had my ice axe to hand and put into action something I'd learned on the course and it might not have been technically correct but I stopped the slip and forced myself upright again.  True to form I'd gone into negative mode and wittering about not being able to do it so Scot (course leader) came to my aid and talked me up the hill.  Thankfully there were more rocky bits to find a footing on and they were not as icy but seeing in the dark was a real issue for me now but onwards and upwards I went.

After about an hour of this tip-toeing round the rocks and ice I could see the summit ahead and the lights from the head torches of everyone else.  I felt a bit bad at them having to wait there for me but before long we were all together in the darkness feeling quite chuffed with ourselves that we'd made it.  Little did I know then but this was the highest I'd ever been before.  Snowdon was the highest peak I'd walked up and this was higher so hurrah for me!

At the summit the others left to head down to the top ski station and I stopped for a bite to eat and to get my head torch out.  Now I'm rubbish at remembering things but you'd think being on a night walk which was planned would mean that I'd have batteries in my head torch........wrong!  It lit for about 10 secs then died which didn't impress Scot at all.  Luckily he had a spare so all was good, phew!

Coming off the summit was a challenge as the path leading off to the top ski station was just one big slab of ice.  There was nothing more for it than to get on my backside and slide down.  This was still a tricky operation as it was a massive slab of ice and I had no directional control so it wasn't a fast slide down to the rock but a steady inch by inch slide in the right direction.  Finally upright again and I was finally on soft fluffy snow and met up with the others at the top ski station.  A quick drink and we were off again down the ski track which was 1 big long fluffy snow track to almost the bottom of the hill, bliss and double bliss......

The route down was heaven compared to the walk up.  There was no ambient light and the sky was filled to the brim with stars.  I've never seen so many stars in my life and it was wall to wall twinkling.  A beautiful sight that I'd remember for a long long time.

Back at the car park exhausted it was a quick pit stop to the pub and then back to our little log cabin for bed.  Muscles I never knew I had ached and it had been a long day.  10 hrs on the hills with the extra focus on walking up a mountain in the dark left me with no energy what so ever but elated at the achievement.

2 munro's down, would I get another in before the week was out........we'll see! 

Winter Skills in Glencoe

When you're out and about in the hills in winter time everyone knows it's sensible to not only have the right equipment but also to know how to use it safely and with practice.  So we booked ourselves on a 5 day winter skills course with S D Adventures (details below) to gain the necessary skills to keep us safe in the hills.

Day 1 - Monday - Unfortunately because of the high winds and horrid weather conditions we met the SD crew in the Kingshouse Hotel in Glencoe and decided to postpone the start of the course till tomorrow when the weather conditions would, hopefully, be better.  We met Scot, course leader and his trusty sidekick John (Frenchie) and Bob who would be taking the course with us.  Joining us tomorrow would be Scott and Steve making it 7 of us in all.  A nice group for the week.  We spent the morning discussing the course content and having a look at equipment and then just before lunchtime headed into Fort William for the afternoon as there were no outdoor activities we could do in this terrible weather.  In the evening we met in the Clachaig Inn where we were joined by Scott and Steve and the highlight of the night was winning the pub quiz....lots of laughs and a funny moment when Chris drew part of the route for tomorrow on the back of the quiz paper, priceless stuff!

Day 2 - We met at the Clachaig Inn in the morning and headed out to a parking area on the A82 to make our way into the Lost Valley where we'd spend the day with some basic winter skills training.  Quite a long walk in to find the "right" snow and finally we found an area where we could start to look at our footwork and try out some very basic ice axe arrests as well as avalanche awareness.  The weather wasn't brilliant and a mix of rain and snow was making the going tough and within the hour or so we had there on the side of the gully the snow was becoming very soft indeed.  I slid a few times and gave myself a bit of a fright and a helluva bruise on my leg but it was the last slip that left me upside down with my foot stuck in hole that gave me the worst fright.  Scot knew immediately that I hadn't had enough to eat and that my energy levels had slipped making me more vulnerable to little accidents.  This was the major lesson learned today.  I need to keep some chocolate in my pocket at all times........like I needed any excuse lol.

The day was rounded off with a lecture in the Clachaig Inn on safety in winter on the hills and it was a really good lecture, covering some of the stuff we'd learned during the day and some extra advice about equipment and clothing that proved quite valuable.

Day 3 -We met at the Glencoe Ski Resort area in the morning and had a cuppa there before heading out onto the mountain.  The weather was pretty fair today, hardly any wind and skies that seems to be clearing.  We ventured out on the bike track that would take us away from the footpath that followed underneath the chairlift to save us from those "weegies" and their antics or anything that fell from the chairlift, which happened frequently.  Further up the bike track there was an area of soft fresh snow that we'd use to start our basic training.  How to stop yourself from sliding was the first order of the day and Scot demonstrated a star fish like position where you dragged the snow with your hands and then raised your body to stop from sliding more and get yourself into a stable condition.  So it was slide down, use the technique and then climb back up again with a stop for a sandwich in between.  All good fun and an great exercise in confidence building on the side of the hill.

The next section took us up to the middle station and under the chairlift to a lovely patch of snow on the side of the hill.  More sliding down and practising the arrest techniques and more avalanche awareness work.  The sun had come out and the sky was blue in patches and it really was the most enjoyable afternoon sliding, stopping, flipping over forwards, backwards, ice axe in place and I definitely felt more comfortable in how to use it, should I ever need to.........famous last words eh!

As the sun was falling it was decided (as discussed previously in the week) that we'd head for the summit and do a bit of night navigation.  By this time it was after 4pm and there was still a couple of hours walking to get to the summit of Meall a'Bhuiridh which meant most of it would be done in the dark.  I'll post a separate blog entry about that little adventure and continue on with the winter skills antics here......

Day 4 - We're all still alive, hurrah! Today would be a summit day on the Winter Skills course but unfortunately I woke not feeling 100%.  I knew that being out on the hills all day wasn't going to be good for me and opted to stay at base for the day.  The boys all had an excellent day climbing Coire na Tuliach. Topping out on Stob Deag. Chris's first graded climb and no mean feat by all accounts.  The tales told when they returned made my toes curl and I was glad that I'd opted to stay put today, I'm not sure I could have coped with the ice and steepness but I'll get there one day for sure.

Day 5 - Our last day on the course and we were going to have a bit of a refresher on all the skills learned and headed back to the Glencoe ski resort area and for a bit of luxury took the chairlift up to the middle station.  Once there we headed back to the hillside we'd previously been on in the middle of the week and Frenchie took the boys to do some belay work and Scot took me over to a steeper icy area to work with me and my crampons.  Again it was a great afternoon honing the skills we'd learned and then we ventured down into an area (terrain trap) where there was a significant bank of snow to build a snow hole.  Much hilarity ensued with digging and furnishing our little snow bolt hole and it was a lovely way to round off an excellent week.

Back to the Glencoe ski resort cafe for a bit of a debrief and before we knew it we were back in the car park saying our goodbyes, much cuddles and exchanges of information and promises to keep in touch and forward pictures, more cuddles and we were off having spent the most amazing week learning a whole host of new skills.

Many thanks to Scot and SD Adventures for a great week and I look forward to the next time.

S D Adventures
Contact Scot Rodger for more information
Scot Rodger
07791 545934