On the journey up the rain was quite persistent however by the time we reached Tebay services to purchase a couple of very tasty scotch eggs for our lunch later in the day the sun was trying to come out.
Keswick and the sun was really trying its best to force its way through the clouds however the wind was fierce and it was cold, bitterly cold. Soon we were parked and ready to venture up the small path towards the top of Latrigg. Another box ticked and we quickly made our way over to the path that would take us up the larger challenge of Lonscale.
The path was fairly clear and after a gentle slope upwards round and across the face of the hill we the turned sharp left at the gate to find ourselves on a steep path going directly upwards. On the path we saw a hoverer on the crest of the hill and it seemed to have the characteristics of a buzzard but it was really too far away to be sure. I did snap its picture but again too far away to be confident on what it was. It definitely acted like a buzzard with its hovering and hunting action and Chris was sure it was so we'll call it our buzzard sighting of the day. The path was a slog and in places the wind took your breath away but whilst it was hard work it was great to be out.
About half way up we stopped for a first nibble of our scotch eggs and while were were stopped we saw a lovely little kestrel fly by with the sun just glinting on its wings but alas I wasn't quick enough to get its picture as my hands were full of scotch egg. Shame.
Soon we were at the summit and the wind had really gathered strength. Cold and blustery was the order of the day and we didn't stick around on the top long but ventured further northwards on the path that would take us a good bit further on to swing round and meet the lower level path that would take us back round the lower flanks of the hill.

We could see the path below and after another quick nibble of our eggs were on the level path below. Out of the wind it was a lovely path and after a mile or so skirting round the side of the mountain we were back at the spot where we'd taken the sharp left earlier.
It was just a quick hop and a jump before we were back in the car park after a thoroughly enjoyable walk. Lonsdale Fell was a nice one and gave our legs a brilliant work out. Lets hope its not too long before we're back ticking another few fells off our list.
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